About this IPT installation
This is a default IPT hosted by University of Alberta Museums
You can use the following variables about the hosting organization:
- description = The University of Alberta Museums is a distributed network of 29 diverse museum collections located in faculties and departments across campus where they are used daily in teaching, research and community outreach programs. The University of Alberta collections include, but are not limited to: vascular plants, bryophyte, zoological, insect and fungal collections.
- name = University of Alberta Museums
- alias = University of Alberta Museums
- homepageURL = [https://www.ualberta.ca/museums]
- primaryContactType = administrative
- primaryContactName = Alyssa Becker Burns
- primaryContactDescription =
- primaryContactAddress =
- primaryContactEmail = becker1@ualberta.ca
- primaryContactPhone =
- nodeKey = 8f83fc96-c966-4126-83f7-bf044dc49efa
- nodeName = Canada Biodiversity Information Facility
- nodeContactEmail =